Lawns do more than make your yard look good. They contribute to a healthy ecosystem in your neighborhood. And there are ways to make your lawn green and healthy — naturally and organically.
Lawns absorb water, which helps reduce storm runoff and improve water quality. Lawns also have a significant cooling effect, provide oxygen, trap dust and dirt, promote healthful micro-organisms, prevent erosion and filter rainwater contaminants.
But using chemical fertilizers and weed controls can have a big impact on the environment. The only way to reduce a dependence on chemical fertilizers is to develop a healthy lawn. What does that mean? A lawn that is resistant to weeds, insects and diseases.
Fall is the perfect time to supplement your lawn with the natural nutrients it needs. Check out these great tips featured in Popular Mechanics and Eartheasy, a great source for sustainable solutions.
Old Town Builders encourages you to employ eco-friendly, sustainable approaches to your yard maintenance.